20 detsember, 2009

Hitomi Kanehara – Snakes and Earrings (2005)

“I've been with sadists before and you never know what they're going to do. I've had enemas, which were fine, and I've played around with toys. I've also got no qualms with spanking or anal. What I don't want to see, however, is blood. I remember once I let a guy put a small glass bottle in me, which he then tried to smash with a hammer. And there'd even been some real weirdos that got a kick out of poking me with needles.” (lk 37)

Tegemist siis lugemisega läbi kahe tõlke, jaapanist inglisse ja inglisest eesti keelde, ühesõnaga nüansse ei saa tabada, kõigest loo jälgimine. Natuke subkultuuride pillerkaart jaapani moodi, Loomingu Raamatukogu võiks tõlke avaldada, oleks selline sobivalt õhuke raamatuke. Tekstis on pisut seksi ja pisut vägivalda, aga vast meeldesööbivam on tüdruku keeleotsa järkjärguline poolitamise protsess, mis tundub olevat füüsiliselt päris ebameeldiv kogemus. Aga noh, las laps teeb mis tahab, peaasi, et laps ei nuta.

“'If you ever decide you want to die, let me kill you,' said Shiba-san, putting a hand on the nape of my neck. I smiled and nodded. Then he smiled back at me and asked, 'Can I fuck your dead body?'
'I don't care what happens to my body after I'm dead,' I said with a shrug.” (lk 71)

Raamat olemise talumatust igavusest, milleks pingutada kui pole vaja pingutada, parem siis mängida kehaga, olla enesekeskne ja omas mullis. Minu keha on minu ja ma võin sellega teha mida tahan. Tätokad ja piercingud, miks mitte, noorukina tõesti ei oska näha, et peale neljakümnendat tuleb ka võibolla elada (soojade ilmadega on ikka päris muhe näha aja jooksul värskuse kaotanud tätokaidm eks inimesed ikka aja jooksul tüsenevad või tõmbuvad krimpsu). Igati sobilik raamat noorele lugejale, lõpuks leiab printsess pasliku printsi.

“I told myself that everything was all right; that everything was going to be fine. I had my tongue-stud, and I was looking forward to when my tattoo would be done and my forked tongue complete. I wondered if changing myself like this could be considered an insult to God, or an act of pure ego. I thought of how I had no real possessions, no emotional ties, no hatred. And it made me feel that my tattoo, my forked tongue, my future were all empty of meaning as well.” (lk 76-77)

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