20 november, 2013

George Pendle "Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons" (2005)

Before rocketry was the stuff of science, it fell into the realm of fantasy, gracing the pages of "scientifiction" pulps and books. The idea that a rocket could achieve a controlled flight into space, let alone carry a person, was as outlandish a concept as "magic" being in any way real to the scientific community of the early 20th century.

It is with appropriate irony therefore that of the men who adopted and advanced the discipline of rocket science among the great researchers of the day, a central figure would also associate with noted science fiction writers, Hollywood celebrities and the denizens of Los Angeles' burgeoning occult scene.

Biographer George Pendle skillfully and entertainingly reveals this life of contrasting encounters in "Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons".

Ühe huvitava inimese elulugu. Raamat räägib raketiteaduse algusaegadest ja selle suuresti rajanud Parsonist. Loo teeb huvitavamaks tema seos Crowley, OTO ja maagiaga üldisemalt. Kirjeldatakse teistsugust aega, kus tagaaias said ise lõhkeaineid segada ja katsetada, leiutada. Kuidas üks mees oli korraga nii teadlane kui võlur - sellest on siin juttu küllaga. Inimese iseloom on tema saatus. Parson suri plahvatuse tagajärjel. Huvitav lugemine, aga elulugude kohta pole tihti midagi tabavamat öelda. Paeluva inimese lugu.

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