Et siis omal moel hoiatuslugu,
päris meeleolukas oli seda lugeda pikemal rongireisil, kus ümberringi inimesed
istusidki oma nutikates ja tegelesid vaid tehnoloogia pakutavate võimaluste
piires; milleks olla iseendaga kui ennast saab peatada. Ja eks see täieliku
läheduse küsimus on nagu on, eksole. (Vaatan nüüd, kas mul on uusi märguandeid
ja meeldimisi.)
„It turned out that Katie had been in the City for a couple of years before she’d found a steady job. She taught senior citizens how to successfully navigate their layers. She’d helped a retired doctor upload images of his grandchildren so strangers could congratulate him, and assisted a ninety-three-year-old widow in sharing her mourning with the world. Her main challenge, she said, was getting older folks to understand the value of their layers.
„Every class they ask me why can’t we just talk instead,“ she shared as we lay in the bed. Though Katie and I occasionally spoke, it was always accompanied by layers. It was tiring to labor through the sentences needed to explain how you ran into a friend; much easier to share the memory, the friend’s name and photo appearing organically.“ (lk 142)
4 kommentaari:
Kõlab esmaklassilise õudukana. Vähemalt mõttelt :)
Tulevik ei meeldi või?
Iial ei tahaks teada, mida teine inimene seksi ajal mõtleb. Ja vastupidi ka :)
No ümise siis omaette?
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