05 märts, 2025

Garth Nix - Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Go to War Again (Year's Best Fantasy 8, 2008)


Fitzi ja Herewardi seeria avalugu ja oh üllatust, siin on siis selgelt kirjas, kes need kaks tegelast õieti on - Hereward polegi mingi seiklev rüütel ja Fitz miski suva maagiliseks pööranud nukk; neid on Herewardi lapseeast saati koos hoitud, et kasutada nüüd mittesobilike jumalate elimineerimiseks. Sest Hereward on järglane, keda õieti poleks tohtinud olla jne. Ja Fitz … teda on kasutatud sajandeid Herewardi ema organisatsioonis.

Nende järjekordsest missioonist õieti polegi midagi kirjutada (sest hoopis huvitavam on see tausta avamine, mis teeb järgnevate tekstide puhul mõndagi arusaadavamaks) - Fitz teeb oma koledat tööd, Hereward kohtub ihaldusväärse naisega ja tapab hulga selle alluvaid. Peale missiooni loodab rüütel saada hingetõmbeaega, aga ei … Fitz juhatab teda edasi - ja mitte veel järgneva loo sündmustesse.

““In the name of the Council of the Treaty for the Safety of the World, acting under the authority granted by the Three Empires, the Seven Kingdoms, the Palantine Regency, the Jessar Republic and the Forty Lesser Realms, we declare ourselves agents of the Council. We identify the godlet manifested in this city of Shume as Pralqornrah-Tanish-Kvaxixob, a listed entity under the Treaty. Consequently, the said godlet and all those who assist it are deemed to be enemies of the World, and the Council authorizes us to pursue any and all actions necessary to banish, repel or exterminate the said godlet.”

Neither felt it necessary to change this ancient text to reflect the fact that only one of the three empires was still extant in any fashion; that the seven kingdoms were now twenty or more small states; the Palantine Regency was a political fiction, its once broad lands under two fathoms of water; the Jessar Republic was now neither Jessar in ethnicity nor a republic; and perhaps only a handful of the Forty Lesser Realms resembled their antecedent polities in any respect. But for all that the states that had made it were vanished or diminished, the Treaty for the Safety of the World was still held to be in operation, if only by the Council that administered and enforced it.” (lk 260)

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