Charles Yu, John Joseph Adams „The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017“
Neil Clarke „The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume 2“
Gardner Dozois „The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection“
Paula Guran „The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2017“
Rich Horton „The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017“
Jonathan Strahan „The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year: Volume Eleven“

Kui nüüd 2016. aastale pilguke heita, siis märkimisväärne on muidugi suhteliselt
värske autori Rich Larsoni 7 taastrükki (ehk kokku 5 lugu) 4 antoloogias;
ligilähedane on Sam J. Milleri populaarsus. Mitte et ma kuidagi mõistaks
kummagi autori märkimisväärsust, minu meelest on tegemist üsna harju keskmiste
Enim valitud autorid:
Rich Larson
Sam J. Miller, Lavie
Ian R. MacLeod, Aliette
de Bodard
Nina Allan, Carolyn
Ives Gilman, Ken Liu, Paul McAuley, Alastair Reynolds, Genevieve Valentine, N.
K. Jemisin, Catherynne M. Valente, E. Lily Yu
Charlie Jane Anders,
Paolo Bacigalupi, Dale Bailey, Steven Barnes, Helena Bell, Karl Bunker, Maggie
Clark, Craig DeLancey, Seth Dickinson, Amal El-Mohtar, Alex Irvine, Caitlín R.
Kiernan, Alice Sola Kim, Karin Lowachee, Naomi Novik, An Owomoyela, Suzanne
Palmer, Geoff Ryman, Gord Sellar, Carrie Vaughn, Alexander Weinstein, Nick
Wolven, Alyssa Wong
McLeodi jutt on päris
tore, Milleri habemelugu paneb õlgu kehitama. Ise soovitaks vast lugeda Gilman,
Bacigalupi, Bell, Novik, Weinstein ja Yu, ehk ka Valentine’i sinist
Enim taastrükitud lood:
Carolyn Ives Gilman
„Touring with the Alien“, Lavie Tidhar
„Terminal“, Catherynne M. Valente „The Future Is Blue“, Genevieve Valentine
„Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home“
Nina Allan „The Art of Space Travel“, Paolo Bacigalupi „Mika Model“, Steven Barnes „Fifty Shades
of Grays“, Helena Bell „I've Come to Marry the Princess“, Karl Bunker
„They Have All One Breath“, Aliette de
Bodard „A Salvaging of Ghosts“, Craig
DeLancey „Redking“, Seth Dickinson
„Laws of Night and Silk“, Amal El-Mohtar „Seasons of Glass and Iron“, Alex Irvine „Number Nine Moon“, N. K. Jemisin „Red Dirt Witch“, Alice Sola Kim „Successor, Usurper, Replacement“, Rich Larson „You Make Pattaya“, „Innumerable Glimmering Lights“, Ken
Liu „Dispatches from the Cradle: The Hermit - Forty-Eight Hours in the Sea
of Massachusetts“, Paul McAuley
„Elves of Antarctica“, Naomi Novik „Spinning Silver“, Alastair Reynolds „The Iron Tactician“, Geoff Ryman „Those Shadows Laugh“, Gord Sellar „Prodigal“, Lavie
Tidhar „The Vanishing Kind“, Carrie
Vaughn „That Game We Played During the War“, Alexander Weinstein „Openness“, E. Lily Yu „The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight“
Järgnevalt siis autorite ja lugude täisnimekiri, lugude
järel olevad tähed tähistavad seda, millises antoloogias ilmunud (Adams – A,
Clarke – C, Dozois – D, Guran – G, Horton – H ja Strahan – S).
Joe Abercrombie „Two's Company“ S
Nina Allan „The Art of Space Travel“ S, D; „Ten Days“ C
Charlie Jane Anders
„Rager in Space“ H, „Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived by Her Mercy“ D
Eleanor Arnason „Checkerboard
Planet“ D
Madeline Ashby „Panic City“ C
Charlotte Ashley
„A Fine Balance“ H
Paolo Bacigalupi „Mika Model“ S, D
Dale Bailey „Teenagers
from Outer Space“ A; „I Was a Teenage Werewolf“ A
Leigh Bardugo „Head,
Scales, Tongue, Tail“ A
Steven Barnes „Fifty
Shades of Grays“ H, D
Stephen Baxter „Mars
Abides“ D
Peter S. Beagle „The
Story of Kao Yu“ A
Helena Bell „I've Come to Marry the Princess“ A, H
Gregory Benford „Vortex“
Brooke Bolander „Our
Talons Can Crush Galaxies“ G
Gregory Norman
Bossert „HigherWorks“ C
Chaz Brenchley „In
Skander, for a Boy“ H
Tobias S. Buckell
„The Mighty Slinger“ C
Nadia Bulkin „Wish
You Were Here“ G
Karl Bunker „They
Have All One Breath“ D, C
Rachel Caine „A
Dying of the Light“ G
Maggie Clark „Seven
Ways of Looking at the Sun-Worshippers of Yul-Katan“ H; „A Tower for the Coming
World“ D
Matthew Claxton „Patience
Lake“ D
Aliette de Bodard
„A Salvaging of Ghosts“ S, D; „Pearl“ C; „Lullaby for a Lost World“ G
Craig DeLancey „Redking“
H, D
Seth Dickinson „Laws of Night and Silk“ S, H
Paul Doherty „Cold
Comfort“ D
El-Mohtar „Seasons of Glass and Iron“ S, G
Brian Evenson „Smear“
Gregory Feeley „The
Bridge of Dreams“ H
Gemma Files „Grave
Goods“ G
Jeffrey Ford „The
Blameless“ G
Cate Gardner „As
Cymbals Clash“ G
David Gerrold „The
Further Adventures of Mr. Costello“ D
Carolyn Ives Gilman
„Touring with the Alien“ S, D, C
Max Gladstone „The
Iron Man“ G
Theodora Goss „Red as Blood and White as Bone“ S
A. T. Greenblatt
„A Non-Hero's Guide to the Road of Monsters“ H
Daryl Gregory „Even the Crumbs Were Delicious“ S
Lisa L. Hannett „Surfacing“
Samantha Henderson
„My Generations Shall Praise“ D
Carlos Hernandez
„The Magical Properties of Unicorn Ivory“ H
Joseph Allen Hill
„The Venus Effect“ A
Brian Hodge „Mommy's
Little Man“ G
Kat Howard „The
Sound of Salt and Sea“ G
Kameron Hurley „The
Plague Givers“ H
Alex Irvine „Number Nine Moon“ S, C
Xia Jia „Night
Journey of the Dragon-Horse“ C
Bill Johnson „When
the Stone Eagle Flies“ D
Stephen Graham Jones
„Birdfather“ G
Rahul Kanakia „Empty
Planets“ H
James Patrick Kelly
„One Sister, Two Sisters, Three“ D
Cassandra Khaw „The
Games We Play“ G
R. Kiernan „Whisper Road (Murder Ballad No. 9)“ S; „The Line Between
the Devil's Teeth (Murder Ballad No. 10)“ G
Alice Sola Kim „Successor, Usurper, Replacement“ S, A
Kathe Koja „KIT:
Some Assembly Required“ D
Ted Kosmatka „The
One Who Isn't“ D
Derek Künsken „Flight
from the Ages“ D
Carrie Laben „Postcards
from Natalie“ G
Marc Laidlaw „The
Finest, Fullest Flowering“ G
Rich Larson „You Make Pattaya“ S, C; „All That Robot Shit“ H; „Innumerable Glimmering Lights“ H,
D; „Jonas and the Fox“ D; „Extraction Request“ C
Victor LaValle „The
Ballad of Black Tom“ G
Yoon Ha Lee „Foxfire, Foxfire“ S
Shariann Lewitt „Fieldwork“
Alison Littlewood
„Meet Me at the Frost Fair“ G
Ken Liu „Seven Birthdays“ S; „Dispatches from the Cradle: The Hermit - Forty-Eight Hours in
the Sea of Massachusetts“ D, C
Livia Llewellyn „Bright
Crown of Joy“ G
Karen Lord „The
Mighty Slinger“ C
Karin Lowachee „Ozymandias“
H; „A Good Home“ C
Carmen Maria Machado
„My Body, Herself“ G
Ian R. MacLeod „The Visitor from Taured“ S, H, D, C
Paul McAuley „Elves of Antarctica“ S, D; Something Happened Here, But We're Not Quite Sure What It
Was“ H
Ian McDonald „Women's
Christmas“ D
Seanan McGuire „The
Jaws That Bite, the Claws That Catch“ G
Ian McHugh „The
Baby Eaters“ D
Pat Murphy „Cold
Comfort“ D
T. R. Napper „A
Strange Loop“ C
Novik „Spinning Silver“ S, G
Owomoyela „The Charge and the Storm“ C; „Whose Drowned Face Sleeps“ G
Suzanne Palmer „Lazy
Dog Out“ H; „Ten Poems for the Mossums, One for the Man“ C
Dominica Phetteplace
„Project Empathy“ H
Sarah Pinsker „Sooner
or Later Everything Falls into the Sea“ C
Lettie Prell „The
Three Lives of Sonata James“ C
Cat Rambo „Red in
Tooth and Cog“ H
Robert Reed „Parables
of Infinity“ C
Alastair Reynolds
„Sixteen Questions for Kamala Chatterjee“ D; „The Iron Tactician“ D, C
Mercurio D. Rivera
„Those Brighter Stars“ D
Adam Roberts „Between Nine and Eleven“ H
Margaret Ronald „And Then, One Day, the Air Was Full of Voices“ C
A. Merc Rustad „This Is Not a Wardrobe Door“ A
Geoff Ryman „Those Shadows Laugh“ S, D
Jason Sanford „Blood
Grains Speak Through Memories“ H
Carter Scholz „KIT:
Some Assembly Required“ D
Melissa Scott „Firstborn,
Lastborn“ D
Gord Sellar „Prodigal“
D, C
Priya Sharma „Grave
Goods“ G
Nisi Shawl „Vulcanization“
Delia Sherman „The
Great Detective“ S
John Shirley „The
Rime of the Cosmic Mariner“ G
Angela Slatter „The
Red Forest“ G
Alena Sullivan „Gorse
Daughter, Sparrow Son“ H
Rachel Swirsky „Whose
Drowned Face Sleeps“ G
Adrian Tchaikovsky
„Dress Rehearsal“ H
Steve Rasnic Tem
„Photograph“ G
Lavie Tidhar „Terminal“
S, D, C; „The Vanishing Kind“ H, D
Jeremiah Tolbert
„Not by Wardrobe, Tornado, or Looking Glass“ A
Debbie Urbanski „When
They Came to Us“ A
Catherynne M. Valente
„The Future Is Blue“ S, A, G
Genevieve Valentine
„Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home“ S, A, H
Greg van Eekhout
„On the Fringes of the Fractal“ A
Carrie Vaughn „That
Game We Played During the War“ H, D
Michael Wehunt „October
Film Haunt: Under the House“ G
Alexander Weinstein
„Openness“ A, H
Fran Wilde „Only
Their Shining Beauty Was Left“ G
A. C. Wise „When
the Stitches Come Undone“ G
Nick Wolven „Caspar
D. Luckinbill, What Are You Going to Do?“ A; „The Metal Demimonde“ C
Wong „You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay“ S; „A Fist of Permutations
in Lightning and Wildflowers“ G
Isabel Yap „An
Ocean the Color of Bruises“ G
Caroline M. Yoachim
„Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0“ A
Charles Yu „Fable“
E. Lily Yu „The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight“ S, A; „Braid of Days and Wake of
Nights“ G
Melissa Yuan-Innes
„Fairy Tales Are for White People“ G