Huvi pärast siis koostasin
väga põneva ja põhjapaneva ülevaate läinud aasta ingliskeelsete ulmelugude
paremikust (varem nt
2015 ja
2016), mille tarbeks kasutasin kuue antoloogia
koostajate valikuid. Antoloogiad pole koostatud ühe põhimõtte järgi, seega
valik on kergelt kaldu ameerika autorite teaduslik-fantastiliste lühijuttude
poole: kuivõrd Adamsi antoloogia valikus on ameerika autorite jutud kuni 20000
tähemärgini, fantasyt on eelkõige Adamsi, Hortoni ja Strahani antoloogiates. Et
autorite ja lugude poolest on kergeid kattumusi Paula Guran horrori ja dark
fantasy valikutega (ülejäänud viies antoloogias on vähemalt pool valikutest
teaduslik-fantastilise kirjanduse hulgast), siis sai selle valikud samuti
lisatud (on ka Ellen Datlowi aasta parimate horror-antoloogia, kuid selle puhul
pole ühegi loo kattumist siinkasutatud antoloogiate, seega jätsin selle välja).
(On ka olemas Britannia ja Austraalia parimate SFF lugude antoloogiad, aga …
kas neid nüüd 2018. ikka ilmus/b.)
A The Best American Science
Fiction and Fantasy 2018 (N. K. Jemisin, John Joseph Adams)
C The Best Science Fiction of
the Year: Volume 3 (Neil Clarke)
D The Year's Best Science
Fiction: Thirty-Fifth Annual Collection (Gardner Dozois)
G The Year's Best Dark Fantasy
& Horror: 2018 (Paula Guran)
H The Year's Best Science
Fiction & Fantasy 2018 (Rich Horton)
S The Best Science Fiction
& Fantasy of the Year: Volume Twelve (Jonathan Strahan)

Eks Gardner Dozois lahkumine
on paratamatult määratu jäljega ingliskeelse ulmekirjanduse aasta parimate
antoloogiate maailmas. Kergelt sarnane Dozois maitsega on ehk Neil Clarke’i
valikud, aga vaevalt et temast tehtaks mantlipärijat (mitte et mul oleks nõrka
aimugi, kas üldse otsiti selle antoloogia-sarja jätkamiseks toimetajat).
Muidugi, särtsakaim originaalantoloogiate koostaja oleks sellest nimekirjast
Jonathan Strahan.
Autorid, kellelt on valitud rohkem kui üks lugu antoloogiatesse:
Tobias S. Buckell, Rich Larson
Indrapramit Das, Vina Jie-Min
Prasad, Linda Nagata, Suzanne Palmer
Charlie Jane Anders, Aliette
de Bodard, Samuel R. Delany, Greg Egan, Maria Dahvana Headley, Nancy Kress, Yoon
Ha Lee, Kate Alice Marshall, Maureen F. McHugh, Robert Reed, Alastair Reynolds,
Peter Watts
Daniel Abraham, Madeline Ashby,
R. S. Benedict, C. S. E. Cooney, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Rachael K. Jones, Kathleen
Kayembe, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Matthew Kressel, Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali, Ray
Nayler, Finbarr O'Reilly, Sarah Pinsker, Lettie Prell, Kelly Robson, Michael
Swanwick, Kai Ashante Wilson, Caroline M. Yoachim
Lood, mis on esindatud rohkem kui ühes antoloogias:
Charlie Jane Anders „Don’t
Press Charges and I Won’t Sue“; Samuel R. Delany „The Hermit of Houston“; Vina
Jie-Min Prasad „
A Series of Steaks“; Rich Larson „An Evening with Severyn
Grimes“; Suzanne Palmer „
The Secret Life of Bots“; Peter Watts „
Madeline Ashby „Death on Mars“;
R. S. Benedict „My English Name“; C. S. E. Cooney „
Though She Be But Little“; Indrapramit
Das „The Worldless“ ; „
The Moon Is Not a Battlefield“; Greg Egan „Uncanny
Valley“; Kathleen Ann Goonan „The Tale of the Alcubierre Horse“; Yoon Ha Lee
Extracurricular Activities“; Kate Alice Marshall „Red Bark and Ambergris“; Maureen
F. McHugh „
Sidewalks“; Ray Nayler „Winter Timeshare“; Finbarr O'Reilly „The
Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon“; Kelly Robson „We Who Live in the Heart“; Michael
Swanwick „
Starlight Express“; Kai Ashante Wilson „The Lamentation of Their
Women“; Caroline M. Yoachim „
Carnival Nine“
nimekiri autoritest ja nende juttudest (tähed lugude järel viitavad antoloogiatele,
kus need ilmusid):
Jane Anders „Don’t
Press Charges and I Won’t Sue“ A, H, S
Eleanor Arnason „
Ashby „Death on Mars“ C,
Simon Avery „Sunflower
Junction“ G
Jess Barber „Pan-Humanism:
Hope and Pragmatics“ D
Laird Barron „Swift
to Chase“ G
R. S.
Benedict „My English
Name“ D, S
Gregory Benford
„Shadows of Eternity“ C
Ashley Blooms „Fallow“
Rebecca Campbell „On
Highway 18“ G
Gwendolyn Clare
„Tasting Notes on the Varietals of the Southern Coast“ A
Maggie Clark
„Belly Up“ C
Burt Courtier „Assassins“
J. R. Dawson „Marley
and Marley“ H
de Bodard „
In Everlasting Wisdom“ C; „The Dragon That Flew Out of the
Sun“ D; „Children of Thorns, Children of Water“ G
R. Delany „The Hermit
of Houston“ A, H, S
Egan „Uncanny Valley“ C,
D; „The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine“ S
Jaine Fenn „The
Martian Job“ D
Michael F. Flynn „Nexus“
Jeffrey Ford „Witch
Hazel“ G
Ty Franck „The
Hunger After You're Fed“ D
Robin Furth „The
Bride in Sea-Green Velvet“ G
Jaymee Goh „The
Last Cheng Beng Gift“ A
Ann Goonan „The Tale of
the Alcubierre Horse“ C, H
Lisa L. Hannett „Little
Digs“ G
Dahvana Headley „Black Powder“ A; „The Orange Tree“ A; „The Thule
Stowaway“ G
Micah Dean Hicks
„Church of Birds“ A
Nina Kiriki Hoffman „Rings“
Dave Hutchinson „Babylon“
Kelly Jennings „The
History of the Invasion Told in Five Dogs“ D
Bill Johnson „Whending
My Way Back Home“ D
Carole Johnstone „The
Eyes Are White and Quiet“ G
K. Jones „The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant“ A; „Regarding the Robot Raccoons Attached to the Hull of My
Ship“ C
Stephen Graham Jones „Mapping
the Interior“ G
Minsoo Kang „The
Sacrifice of the Hanged Monkey“ H
Kayembe „You Will Always Have Family: A Triptych“ A; „
The Faerie Tree“
Cassandra Khaw „Don’t
Turn on the Lights“ G
Mary Robinette Kowal „The
Worshipful Society of Glovers“ S
Kress „Every Hour of Light and Dark“ C; „
Dear Sarah“ D; „Canoe“ D
Kressel „The Last Novelist (or A Dead Lizard in the Yard)“ C; „Love
Engine Optimization“ H
Naomi Kritzer „Waiting
Out the End of the World in Patty's Place Cafe“ D
Larson „An Evening with
Severyn Grimes“ C, D, S; „There Used to Be Olive Trees“ D; „Cupido“ H
Karin Lowachee
„Meridian“ C
Carmen Maria Machado „The
Resident“ A
Helen Marshall „Survival
Strategies“ G
Alice Marshall „Destroy the City with Me Tonight“ A; „Red Bark and Ambergris“ G, H
Ian McHugh „Triceratops“
F. McHugh „Cannibal Acts“ A; „
Sidewalks“ D,
Will McIntosh „Soulmates.com“
Sean McMullen
„The Influence Machine“ D
Silvia Moreno-Garcia „Prime
Meridian“ D
Muhammad-Ali „Regarding the Robot Raccoons Attached to the Hull of My
Ship“ C; „
Concessions“ S
Ian Muneshwar „Skins
Smooth as Plantain, Hearts Soft as Mango“ G
Nayler „Winter
Timeshare“ D, H
Alec Nevala-Lee „The
Proving Ground“ D
O'Reilly „The Last
Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon“ C, D
Charles Payseur
„Rivers Run Free“ A
Pinsker „Wind Will Rove“ C; „And Then There Were (N – One)“ H
Prell „Justice Systems in Quantum Parallel Probabilities“ A; „
Emergency Protocol“ H
Reed „The Speed of Belief“ C; „The Residue of Fire“ D; „The
Significance of Significance“ H
M. Rickert „Everything
Beautiful Is Terrifying“ G
Rebecca Roanhorse „Welcome
to Your Authentic Indian Experience™“ G
Robson „We Who Live in
the Heart“ C, D
Eden Royce „Graverobbing
Negress Seeks Employment“ G
A. Merc Rustad
„Brightened Star, Ascending Dawn“ A
Sara Saab „Pan-Humanism:
Hope and Pragmatics“ D
Sofia Samatar „An
Account of the Land of Witches“ H
Mark Samuels „Moon
Blood-Red, Tide Turning“ G
Carter Scholz „Vanguard
2.0“ D
Hanuš Seiner „Hexagrammaton“
Gord Sellar
„Focus“ C
Priya Sharma „The
Crow Palace“ G
Robert Shearman „The
Swimming Pool Party“ G
Vandana Singh
Jack Skillingstead „Assassins“
Angela Slatter „The
Little Mermaid, in Passing“ G
Bruce Sterling „Elephant
on Table“ D
Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam
„Secret Keeper“ G
Steve Rasnic Tem „The
Long Fade into Evening Steve“ G
Lavie Tidhar „The
Road to the Sea“ D
Cadwell Turnbull „Loneliness
is in Your Blood“ A
Harry Turtledove „Zigeuner“
Katherine Vaz „Moon
and Memory and Muchness“ G
Jamie Wahls „Utopia,
Kaaron Warren „Exceeding
Bitter“ G
Watts „
ZeroS“ A,
C, H
Conrad Williams „Succulents“
Ashante Wilson „The
Lamentation of Their Women“ S, G
A. C. Wise „A
Catalogue of Sunlight at the End of the World“ C
E. Lily Yu „The
Wretched and the Beautiful“ A