Maikuus haiguse tagajärjel
siitilmast lahkunud Gardner Dozois’t jääb järele vägev antoloogiasari – tervelt
35 aastakäiku aasta parimate ingliskeelsete SF lugudega. Kui varem olen midagi
kokku pannud
Jonathan Strahani ja
Rich Hortoni aasta parimate antoloogiate
kohta, siis Dozois sari on nüüd lõplik.

Põhimõtteliselt võiks selle
antoloogiasarja puhul näha sedagi, kuidas on toimunud ingliskeelses ulmes
suurem põlvkondadevahetus – minu subjektiivsel nägemusel toimus massilisem
sissetulek nii 25. antoloogia paiku, kui väga tihedalt hakkasid ilmuma selliste
autorite nagu Lavie Tidhar, Elizabeth Bear, Aliette de Bodard, Jay Lake,
Vandana Singh, Carrie Vaughn, Indradrapamit Das ja teiste tekstid (omaette
nähtus on viimaste aastate lühiproosa lemmiklaps Rich Larson, kellelt ilmus 4
viimases antoloogias tervelt 7 lugu); eest kadusid ära näiteks Robert
Silverberg ja Gene Wolfe ja Joe Haldeman ja teised saurused. Teine sarnane
murdepunkt uute autorite lisandumisega on ehk 10.-15. antoloogia paiku (nt
Stephen Baxter, Ian McDonald, Robert Reed, Alastair Reynolds, Geoff Ryman) –
kuid see 25. murdepunkt on ehk erilisem seetõttu, et lisandus just hulgi uusi
autoreid (ka neid, keda ilmuski vaid ühes antoloogias) ning rohkem ka
tõlketekste (et siis, trükiajakirjanduse vähenemisega on kasvanud
võrguajakirjanduse madalam valulävi ja seetõttu pääseb „trükki“
eripalgelisemaid tekste?).

Siiski on autoreid, kes ilmusid
stabiilselt pea kogu sarja jooksul – nii on Bruce Sterlingut ilmunud esimesest
viimase antoloogiani, sarnased veteranid on Nancy Kress (2-35), Michael
Swanwick (2-35), Pat Murphy (1-34) ja James Patrick Kelly (2-34). Nende kõrval
omakorda Dozois lemmikuks olnud Robert Reed, kelle tekste ilmus järjest
antoloogiates 9-32 (noh, Reed on autor, kelle erilisust ma pole veel mõistnud).
Ja noh, eks ole mõneti eriskummaline kohata niisuguste autorite lugusid, kes
oleks nagu täiesti … teisest ajastust – Arthur C. Clarke, Brian Aldiss, Poul
Anderson, James Tiptree jr, L. Sprague de Camp ja kes iganes veel.
Daniel Abraham:
22 Leviathan Wept; 33
Rates of Change;
35 The Hunger After You're Fed
Brian W. Aldiss: 9
FOAM; 11 Friendship Bridge
Charlie Jane Anders:
34 Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived by Her Mercy
Poul Anderson: 1 Vulcan's
Forge; 13 Genesis
Eleanor Arnason:
17 Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance; 19 Moby Quilt; 20 The Potter of Bones;
The Garden: A Hwarhath Science
Fictional Romance; 28 Mammoths of the Great Plains: 30
Holmes Sherlock; 33
Ruins; 34 Checkerboard Planet; 35
Madeline Ashby:
33 A Stopped Clock; 35 Death on Mars
Kage Baker: 17 Son
Observe the Time; 20 The Hotel at Harlan's Landing; 21 Welcome to Olympus, Mr.
Hearst; 22 Mother Aegypt; 24 Where the Golden Apples Grow; 25 Hellfire at
Twilight; 28
The Books
Scott Baker: 4 Sea
Jessica Barber:
Coma Kings; 35 Pan-Humanism: Hope and Pragmatics
John Barnes: 24 Every
Hole Is Outlined; 25 An Ocean Is a Snowflake, Four Billion Miles Away; 27 Things
Undone; 29 Martian Heart; 33 Silence Like Diamonds
Steven Barnes: 34
Fifty Shades of Grays
Neal Barrett, Jr.:
4 Sallie C.; 5 Perpetuity Blues; 5 Diner; 7 Winter on the Belle Fourche; 10 The
Last Cardinal Bird in Tennessee; 11 Cush
William Barton:
14 Changes; 16 Down in the Dark; 21 Off
on a Starship
Christopher Barzak:
30 Invisible Men
Peter S. Beagle:
29 The Way It Works Out and All
Elizabeth Bear:
23 Two Dreams on Trains; 24 The Ile of Dogges; 25 Tideline; 26 Boojum; 27 Mongoose;
29 Dolly; 30 In the House of Aryaman, a Lonely Signal Burns; 30 The Wreck of
the "Charles Dexter Ward"; 32
The Hand is Quicker; 32
Greg Bear: 1 Hardfought;
1 Blood Music; 4 Tangents
Ned Beauman: 33 It
Takes More Muscles to Frown
Chris Beckett: 9 La
Macchina; 19 Marcher; 20 To Become a Warrior; 23 Piccadilly Circus; 28 The
Peacock Cloak
M. Shayne Bell:
18 The Thing About Benny; 21 Anomalous Structures of My Dreams
R. S. Benedict:
35 My English Name
Gregory Benford:
6 Alphas; 9 Matter's End; 14 Immersion; 15 A Cold Dry Cradle; 20 The Clear Blue
Seas of Luna; 24 Bow Shock; 25
Dark Heaven; 34 Vortex
Michael Bishop: 5
For Thus Do I Remember Carthage; 12 Cri de Coeur; 30 Twenty Lights to "The
Land of Snow"
Terry Bisson: 8 Bears
Discover Fire; 10 Two Guys from the Future; 12 The Hole in the Hole; 13 There
Are No Dead; 21 Dear Abbey; 22 Scout's Honor
James P. Blaylock:
3 Paper Dragons; 14 Thirteen Phantasms
Michael Blumlein:
19 Know How, Can Do
Ben Bova: 17 Mount
Chaz Brenchley:
32 The Burial of Sir John Mawe at Cassini; 33 The Astrakhan, the Homburg, and
the Red Red Coal
Alan Brennert: 7 The
Third Sex; 15 Echoes
Damien Broderick:
14 Schrödinger's Dog; 27 This Wind Blowing, and This Tide; 28 Under the
Moons of Venus; 29 The Beancounter's Cat; 31 Quicken
Keith Brooke: 25 The
Simon Brown: 15 The
Masque of Agamemnon
John Brunner: 8 The
First Since Ancient Persia
Octavia E. Butler:
2 Bloodchild; 5 The Evening and the Morning and the Night
Pat Cadigan: 1 Nearly
Departed; 2 Rock On; 3 Roadside Rescue; 4 Pretty Boy Crossover; 4 Angel; 6 It
Was the Heat; 9 Dispatches from the Revolution; 10 Naming Names; 11 Love Toys
of the Gods; 12 Paris in June; 13 Death
in the Promised Land; 25 Nothing Personal; 28 The Taste of Night; 29 Cody; 30 The Girl-Thing
Who Went Out for Sushi
Jack Cady: 11 The
Night We Buried Road Dog
James L. Cambias:
22 The Ocean of the Blind; 26 Balancing Accounts
Orson Scott Card:
3 The Fringe; 4 Hatrack River; 5 America
Michael Cassutt:
14 The Longer Voyage; 19 More Adventures on Other Planets
Ted Chiang: 8 Tower
of Babylon; 16 Story of Your Life; 25 The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate
Rob Chilson: 16 This
Side of Independence
Jérôme Cigut: 32 The Rider
Maggie Clark: 34 A
Tower for the Coming World
Arthur C. Clarke:
10 The Hammer of God
Matthew Claxton:
34 Patience Lake
Hal Clement: 17 Exchange
Brenda W. Clough:
19 May Be Some Time
Rick Cook: 18 Obsidian
Brenda Cooper: 28
My Father's Singularity
Burt Courtier: 35
Jim Cowan: 14 The
Spade of Reason
Albert E. Cowdrey:
18 Crux; 22 The Tribes of Bela; 27
Paradiso Lost
Richard Cowper: 2
A Message to the King of Brobdingnag
Ian Creasey: 27 Erosion
John Crowley: 3 Snow;
7 Great Work of Time
Jack Dann: 1 Blind
Shemmy; 2 Bad Medicine; 4 Tattoos; 9 Voices
Avram Davidson: 1
Full Chicken Richness; 3 Duke Pasquale's Ring; 7 The Odd Old Bird
P. Davies: 2 The Defenders
de Bodard: 26 Butterfly, Falling at Dawn; 28 The Shipmaker; 30 Ship's
Brother; 31 The Waiting Stars; 32 The Days of the War, as Red as Blood, as Dark
as Bile; 33 Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight; 33 The Citadel of Weeping Pearls;
A Salvaging of Ghosts; 35 The Dragon That Flew Out of the Sun
Sprague de Camp: 10 The Round-Eyed Barbarians
DeLancey: 34 Redking
M. Dellamonica: 24 The Town on Blighted Sea
Denton: 10 The Territory
Di Filippo: 19 Neutrino Drag; 21 And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon; 22
Sisyphus and the Stranger
A. DiChario: 21 Dragonhead
Doctorow: 16 Craphound; 24 I, Row-Boat; 28 Chicken Little; 32 The Man
Who Sold the Moon
Doherty: 34 Cold Comfort
Dowling: 21 Flashmen
Due: 18 Patient Zero
Duncan: 19 The Chief Designer; 30 Close Encounters
Alec Effinger: 6 Schrödinger's Kitten
Egan: 8 The Caress; 8 Learning to Be Me; 9 Blood Sisters; 9 The Moat;
10 Dust; 11 Chaff; 12 Cocoon; 13 Luminous; 13 Wang's Carpets; 15 Reasons to Be
Cheerful; 15
Yeyuka; 16 Oceanic; 17 Border
Guards; 18 Oracle; 20 Singleton; 24 Riding the Crocodile; 25 Glory; 25 Steve
Fever; 26 Crystal Nights; 31 Zero for Conduct; 32
Shadow Flock; 35 Uncanny
Feeley: 14 The Weighing of Ayre
Fenn: 35 The Martian Job
Fintushel: 12 Ylem; 18 Milo and Sylvie
F. Flynn: 5 The Forest of Time; 12 Melodies of the Heart; 13 The
Promise of God; 22 The Clapping Hands of God; 29 The Iron Shirts; 33 In Panic Town, on the
Backward Moon; 35 Nexus
Dean Foster: 6 Sanctuary
Joy Fowler: 3 The Lake Was Full of Artificial Things; 4 The Gate of
Ghosts; 5 The Faithful Companion at Forty; 9 The Dark
Frazier: 8 The All-Consuming
Garcia y Robertson: 5 The Moon of Popping Trees
Alan Gardner: 26 The Ray-Gun: A Love Story
Gerrold: 23 In the Quake Zone; 34 The Further Adventures of Mr.
Gibson: 2 New Rose Hotel; 3 Dogfight; 4 The Winter Market; 9 Skinner's
Ives Gilman: 15 Frost Painting; 19 The Real Thing; 24 Okanoggan Falls;
The Ice Owl; 34
Touring with the Alien
Gleason: 30 Nightfall on the Peak of Eternal Light
Gloss: 2 Interlocking Pieces; 8 Personal Silence; 20 Lambing Season
Goldstein: 12 Split Light
Gould: 6 Peaches for Mad Molly; 27 A Story, with Beans
Grimsley: 16 Free in Asveroth; 19 Into Greenwood
Grossbach: 17 Of Scorned Women and Causal Loops
Gunn: 6 Stable Strategies for Middle Management
F. Hamilton: 15 Escape Route; 18
The Suspect Genome; 22 Footvote
Harkaway: 33 Billy Tumult
John Harrison: 17 Suicide Coast; 22 Tourism
Hawkins: 28 Chimbwi; 29 Digital Rites
Henderson: 34 My Generations Shall Praise
Hogan: 18 Obsidian Harvest
ab Hugh: 8 The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed
Novel by Mr. Skunk
Ings: 15 Open Viens; 19 Russian Vine
Jablokov: 5 At the Cross-Time Jaunters' Ball; 7 A Deeper Sea; 8 The
Death Artist; 9 Living Will; 28 Blind
Cat Dance; 31 Bad Day on Boscobel
Jaeger: 10 The Elvis National Theater of Okinawa
Jennings: 35 The History of the Invasion Told in Five Dogs
Johnson: 15 We Will Drink a Fish Together ...; 34 When the Stone Eagle
Flies; 35 Whending My Way Back Home
Johnson: 29 The Man Who Bridged the Mist
Jones: 14 Red Sonja and Lessingham in Dreamland; 15 Balinese Dancer; 16
La Cenerentola; 23 The Fulcrum; 25 Saving Tiamaat; 26 The Voyage Out; 29 The
Vicar of Mars; 33 Emergence
Kagan: 7 The Loch Moose Monster
Kearns: 4 Grave Angels
Patrick Kelly: 2
Friend; 3 Solstice; 4 The Prisoner of Chillon; 5 Glass
Cloud; 6 Home Front; 8 Mr. Boy; 9 Pogrom; 13 Think Like a Dinosaur; 15
Itsy Bitsy Spider; 17 10 to 16 to 1; 19 Undone; 22 Men Are Trouble; 23 Burn; 31
The Promise of Space; 32
Someday; 34 One Sister, Two Sisters, Three
Kerr: 12 Asylum
R. Kiernan: 22 Riding the White Bull
King: 7 Visiting the Dead
B. Kisor: 11 Whispers
Knight: 4 Strangers on Paradise
Koja: 6 Distances; 7 Skin Deep; 9 Angels in Love; 10 By the Mirror of
My Youth; 34 KIT: Some Assembly Required
Kosmatka: 25 The Prophet of Flores; 26
N-Words; 27
Blood Dauber; 28 In-Fall; 34 The
One Who Isn't
Robinette Kowal: 26 Evil Robot Monkey
Kraus: 6 Emissary
Kress: 2 Trinity; 3 Out of All Them Bright Stars; 6 In Memoriam; 7 The
Price of Oranges; 8 Inertia; 9 Beggars in Spain; 10 The Mountain to Mohammed;
11 Dancing on Air; 12 Margin of Error; 13 Feigenbaum Number; 14 The Flowers of
Aulit Prison; 15
Steamship Soldier on
the Information Front; 18 Savior; 19 Computer Virus; 20 The Most Famous Little
Girl in the World; 21 Ej-Es; 22 Shiva in Shadow; 25 Laws of Survival; 26 The
Erdmann Nexus; 27 Act One; 31
Pathways; 31 One; 32 Yesterday's Kin; 33 Machine
Learning; 35
Dear Sarah; 35 Canoe
Kritzer: 35 Waiting Out the End of the World in Patty's Place Cafe
Künsken: 34 Flight from the Ages
A. Lafferty: 1 Golden Gate; 2 Company in the Wings; 3 Magazine Section
Lake: 23 The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Back from the Stars;
24 The Big Ice; 26 The Sky That Wraps the World Round, Past the Blue and Into
the Black; 27 On the Human Plan; 28 The Starship Mechanic; 29 A Long Way Home;
30 The Stars Do Not Lie; 31 Rock of Ages; 32 West to East
A. Landis: 9 A Walk in the Sun; 15 Winter Fire; 16 Approaching
Perimelasma; 21 The Eyes of America; 28 The Sultan of the Clouds
Larson: 32
God Decay; 33 Meshed; 33 Ice; 34 Jonas and the Fox; 34 Innumerable
Glimmering Lights; 35 An Evening with Severyn Grimes; 35 There Used to Be Olive
Ursula K. Le Guin:
2 The Trouble with the Cotton People; 5 Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out
Tonight; 8 The Shobies' Story; 12 Forgiveness Day; 12 The Matter of Seggri; 13 A
Woman's Liberation; 13 Coming of Age in Karhide; 16 The Island of the Immortals;
18 The Birthday of the World
Ann Leckie: 33 Another
Word for World
Tanith Lee: 1 Nunc
Dimittis; 2 Foreign Skins; 4 Into Gold; 16 Jedella Ghost; 17 The Sky-Green
Jonathan Lethem:
8 Walking the Moons; 10 The Elvis National Theater of Okinawa; 14 How We Got in
Town and Out Again
David D. Levine:
24 I Hold My Father's Paws
Shariann Lewitt:
34 Fieldwork
Megan Lindholm: 7
Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man; 30
Old Paint
Richard A. Lovett:
30 Nightfall on the Peak of Eternal Light
Elizabeth A. Lynn:
2 At the Embassy Club
Ian R. MacLeod: 8
Past Magic; 9 Marnie; 10 Grownups; 10 Snodgrass; 11 Papa, 13 Starship Day; 15 Nevermore;
16 The Summer Isles; 19 New Light on the Drake Equation; 19 Isabel of the Fall;
20 Breathmoss; 28 Re-Crossing the Styx; 29
The Cold Step Beyond; 31 The
Discovered Country; 31 Entangled; 34
The Visitor from Taured
Ken MacLeod: 19 The
Human Front; 23 A Case of Consilience; 24 The Highway Men; 25 Lighting Out; 29 Earth
Hour; 29 The Vorkuta Event
Tom Maddox: 4 Snake-Eyes;
10 Gravity's Angel
Elisabeth Malartre:
15 A Cold Dry Cradle
Brit Mandelo: 30 The Finite Canvas
Joseph Manzione:
5 Candle in a Cosmic Wind
George R. R. Martin:
1 The Monkey Treatment; 3 Under Siege
David Marusek: 13
We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy; 15 Getting to Know You; 17 The Wedding Album
Bruce McAllister:
5 Dream Baby; 6 The Girl Who Loved Animals; 24 Kin
Una McCormack: 25
Sea Change
Sandra McDonald:
Michael McDowell:
5 Halley's Passing
Ian McHugh: 34 The
Baby Eaters; 35 Triceratops
Vonda N. McIntyre:
23 Little Faces
Sean McMullen: 30
Steamgothic; 31
Technarion; 33 The Audience; 35 The Influence Machine
John Meaney: 20 The
Whisper of Disks
Paul Melko: 21 Singletons
in Love; 22 Ten Sigmas
Judith Moffett: 4
Surviving; 6 The Hob; 7 Tiny Tango; 21 The Bear's Baby
Mary Anne Mohanraj:
32 Communion
Sarah Monette:
24 The Ile of Dogges; 26 Boojum; 27 Mongoose; 30 The
Wreck of the "Charles Dexter Ward"
Michael Moorcock:
8 The Cairene Purse
Silvia Moreno-Garcia:
35 Prime Meridian
Derryl Murphy: 23
Pat Murphy: 1 In
the Islands; 5 Rachel in Love; 8 Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates; 9 Desert
Rain; 22 Inappropriate Behavior; 34 Cold Comfort
Nayler: 35 Winter Timeshare
Nestvold: 23 The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Back from the
Stars; 24 The Big Ice
David Nordley: 11 Into the Miranda Rift; 15 Crossing Chao Meng Fu
Novik: 28 Seven Years from Home
O'Reilly: 35 The Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon
Ore: 11 Alien Bootlegger
Palmer: 35 Number Thirty-Nine Skink
Palwick: 5 Ever After; 18 Going After Bobo; 32
Park: 14 The Last Homosexual
Park: 18 The Cure for Everything
Pohl: 2 The Kindly Isle; 3
Fermi and Frost; 10 Outnumbering the Dead;
17 Hatching the Phoenix
Poore: 27 Blood Dauber
Popkes: 7 The Egg; 20 Winters Are Hard; 21 The Ice; 23 The Great Caruso;
Jackie's Boy; 30 Sudden, Broken, and Unexpected
Powers: 4 Night Moves
Tom Purdom: 25 The Mists of Time;
29 A Response from EST17
Hannu Rajaniemi:
23 Deus Ex Homine; 26 His Master's Voice; 28
Elegy for a Young Elk; 30 Tyche
and the Ants
Paul Graham Raven:
32 Los Piratas del Mar de Plastico (Pirates of the Plastic Ocean)
Resnick: 6 Kirinyaga; 7 For
I Have Touched the Sky; 9 One Perfect Morning, with Jackals; 11 Mwalimu in the
Squared Circle; 12 Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge; 14 The Land of Nod; 17 Hothouse
Reynolds: 15 A
Spy in Europa; 17 Galactic North; 18
Great Wall of Mars;
19 Glacial; 20 Turquoise Days; 23 Beyond the Aquila Rift; 23 Zima Blue; 24 Signal
to Noise; 24
Nightingale; 25 The
Sledge-Maker's Daughter; 26 The Six Directions of Space; 28
Sleepover; 29
Ascension Day; 30
The Water Thief; 31 A Map of Mercury; 32
In Babelsberg; 34 Sixteen
Questions for Kamala Chatterjee; 34 The Iron Tactician; 35 Night Passage
Rich: 11 On the Collection of Humans
D. Rivera: 34 Those Brighter Stars
Roberts: 27 Hair; 30 What Did Tessimond Tell You?; 32 Thing and Sick
Stanley Robinson: 1 Black Air; 2 The Lucky Strike; 3 Green Mars; 4 Down
and Out in the Year 2000; 5 Mother Goddess of the World; 6 Glacier; 9 A History
of the Twentieth Century, with Illustrations; 17 A Martian Romance
Robson: 33 The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill; 35 We Who Live
in the Heart
Rosenblum: 12 California Dreamer; 13 Casting at Pegasus; 22 Skin Deep;
23 Search Engine; 24 Home Movies; 26 The Egg Man; 27
Lion Walk
Rowe: 22 The Voluntary State
Kathryn Rusch: 6 Skin Deep; 9 The Gallery of His Dreams; 21 June
Sixteenth at Anna's; 25
Craters; 26
G-Men; 33 Inhuman Garbage
Saab: 35 Pan-Humanism: Hope and Pragmatics
Sampson: 7 Relationships
Sanders: 12 Going After Old Man Alabama; 13 Elvis Bearpaw's Luck; 15 The
Undiscovered; 19 When This World Is All on Fire; 22 Sitka; 23 Amba
Sarafin: 33 Trapping the Pleistocene
Scholes: 28 The Starship Mechanic
Scholz: 33 Gypsy; 34 KIT: Some Assembly Required; 35 Vanguard 2.0
Schroeder: 17 The Dragon of Pripyat; 26 The Hero; 29
Laika's Ghost; 32 Jubilee
Scott: 31 Finders; 34 Firstborn, Lastborn
Sellar: 26 Lester Young and the
Jupiter's Moons' Blues; 34 Prodigal
Sheffield: 7 Out of Copyright; 8 A Braver Thing; 11
Georgia on My Mind;
14 The Lady Vanishes; 17 Phallicide
Shelley: 9 Eyewall
Shepard: 2
Salvador; 2 Black Coral; 3 The Jaguar Hunter; 3 A Spanish
Lesson; 4 R & R; 5 Shades; 6 The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter; 7 The
Ends of the Earth; 8 The All-Consuming; 18 Radiant Green Star
Shiner: 2 Twilight Time; 3 The War at Home; 4 Jeff Beck; 6 Love in Vain;
8 White City
Shunn: 21 Strong Medicine
Silverberg: 1 Multiples; 2
The Affair; 3 Sailing to Byzantium; 4
Against Babylon; 5 The Pardoner's Tale; 6 House of Bones; 7 Tales from the
Venia Woods; 7 Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another; 8 Hot Sky; 9 A Tip on a
Turtle; 10 A Long Night's Vigil at the Temple; 14 Death Do Us Part; 15 Beauty
in the Night; 17 A Hero of the Empire; 25
Against the Current
Simmons: 1 Carrion Comfort; 11 Flashback; 13 Looking for Kelly Dahl; 19
On K2 with Kanakaredes
Singh: 22 Delhi; 25 Of Love and Other Monsters; 27 Infinities; 30 Ruminations
in an Alien Tongue; 32 Entanglement
Skillingstead: 21 Dead Worlds; 24 Life on the Preservation; 35 Assassins
Alexander Smith: 6 Dying in Hull
P. Somtow: 4 Fiddling for Waterbuffaloes; 7 Lottery Night
Sparhawk: 14 Primrose and Thorn
Browning Spencer: 11 A Child's Christmas in Florida; 16 The Halfway
House at the Heart of Darkness
Stableford: 6 The Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady; 6 The Growth of the
House of Usher; 7 The Magic Bullet; 12 Les Fleurs Du Mal; 13 Mortimer Gray's
"History of Death"; 15 The Pipes of Pan; 18 Snowball in Hell; 25 The
Immortals of Atlantis
Steele: 13 The Death of Captain Future; 19 The Days Between; 28 The
Emperor of Mars; 31
Martian Blood; 32 The Prodigal Son; 33 The Children of Gal
Sterling: 1 Cicada Queen; 2 Sunken Gardens; 3 Green Days in Brunei; 3 Dinner
in Audoghast; 4 The Beautiful and the Sublime; 5 Flowers of Edo; 6 Our Neural
Chernobyl; 7 Visiting the Dead; 8 We See Things Differently; 11 Sacred Cow; 14 Bicycle
Repairman; 16 Taklamakan; 20 In Paradise; 23 The Blemmye's Strategem; 25
Black Swan; 35 Elephant on Table
Swanwick: 2 Trojan Horse; 3 Dogfight; 4 Covenant of Souls; 6 The Dragon
Line; 7 The Edge of the World; 10 Griffin's Egg; 13 Radio Waves; 14 The Dead;
The Wisdom of Old Earth; 16
The Very Pulse of the Machine; 17 Scherzo with Tyrannosaur; 18 The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O;
19 The Dog Said Bow-Wow; 20 Slow Life; 21 King Dragon; 23
Triceratops Summer;
24 Tin Marsh; 25 The Skysailor's Tale; 26 From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled; 28
Libertarian Russia; 29
The Dala Horse; 29 For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone
of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again; 31 The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin; 32 Passage
of Earth; 35
Starlight Express
C. Sykes: 3 Rockabye Baby
Lois Tilton: 9 A
Just and Lasting Peace
James Tiptree, Jr.:
1 Beyond the Dead Reef; 3 The Only Neat Thing to Do
George Turner: 12
Flowering Mandrake
Harry Turtledove:
4 And so to Bed; 6 The Last Article; 21 Joe Steele; 23 Audubon in Atlantis; 35 Zigeuner
Steven Utley: 10 The
Glowing Cloud; 11 There and Then; 14 The Wind Over the World; 18 The Real World
Catherynne M. Valente:
29 Silently and Very Fast
Greg van Eekhout:
24 Far As You Can Go
Mark L. Van Name:
9 Desert Rain
John Varley: 2
Press Enter ▮; ; 7 Just Another Perfect Day; 21 The Bellman
Carrie Vaughn: 28
Amaryllis 30 Astrophilia; 31
The Best We Can; 33 Bannerless; 34 That Game We
Played During the War
Vernor Vinge: 1 Gemstone;
21 The Cookie Monster; 22 Synthetic Serendipity
Richard Wadholm:
17 Green Tea; 20 At the Money
Howard Waldrop: 1
Man-Mountain Gentian; 3 Flying Saucer Rock & Roll; 4 Fair Game; 4 Night of the Cooters; 6 Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna
Dance?; 12 The Sawing Boys; 15 Heart of Whitenesse; 16 US; 19 One-Horse Town;
21 Calling Your Name
Sage Walker: 17 Hunting
Ian Watson: 1
Slow Birds; 5 The Emir's Clock; 10 The Mountain to Mohammed
Peter Watts: 23 Mayfly;
27 The Island; 28 The Things; 32 The Colonel
Don Webb: 11 A
Visit to the Farside
Dean Whitlock: 5 The
Million-Dollar Wound
Cherry Wilder: 14
Dr. Tilmann's Consultant: A Scientific Romance; 16 The Dancing Floor
Williams: 16 Voivodoi; 23 La Malcontenta
Williams: 15 The Masque of Agamemnon; 17 Evermore
Williams: 28 And Ministers of Grace
Jon Williams: 3 Side Effects; 4 Video Star; 5 Dinosaurs; 6 Surfacing; 9
Prayers on the Wind; 11 Wall, Stone, Craft; 12 Red Elvis; 14 Foreign Devils; 15
Lethe; 17
Daddy's World; 20 The Millennium Party; 21 The Green Leopard Plague; 22
Investments; 24 Incarnation Day
Willis: 1 The Sidon in the Mirror; 2 Blued Moon; 4 Chance; 6 The Last
of the Winnebagos; 7 At the Rialto; 8 Cibola; 9 Jack; 10 Even the Queen; 11 Death
on the Nile
Charles Wilson: 16 Divided by Infinity; 18 The Great Goodbye; 24 Julian:
A Christmas Story; 27 Utriusque Cosmi; 30 Fireborn
Wolfe: 1 The Cat; 2 The Map; 2
A Cabin on the Coast; 5 All the Hues of
Hell; 14
Counting Cats in Zanzibar; 23 Comber
Wolven: 33 No Placeholder for You, My Love
Yount: 2 Pursuit of Excellence
Alljärgnevalt siis autorite teistmoodi järjestus:
Nancy Kress, Robert Reed
Michael Swanwick
Greg Egan
Ian McDonald
Paul J. McAuley, Alastair Reynolds
Bruce Sterling
Stephen Baxter, James Patrick Kelly, Ian R. MacLeod
Pat Cadigan, Robert Silverberg
Walter Jon Williams
John Kessel
Geoff Ryman, Lavie Tidhar
Maureen F. McHugh
Elizabeth Bear, Lucius Shepard, Howard Waldrop
Eleanor Arnason, Aliette de Bodard, Joe Haldeman, Jay Lake, Ursula
K. Le Guin, Connie Willis
Paolo Bacigalupi, Gregory Benford, Gwyneth Jones, Kim
Stanley Robinson, Brian Stableford
Kage Baker, Michael F. Flynn, Rich Larson, Mike Resnick, Mary
Neal Barrett, Jr., Terry Bisson, Alexander Jablokov, Ken
MacLeod, David Moles, Pat Murphy, Steven Popkes, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, William
Sanders, Allen Steele, Gene Wolfe
John Barnes, Chris Beckett, Damien Broderick, Carolyn Ives
Gilman, Kathe Koja, Ted Kosmatka, Geoffrey A. Landis, Tanith Lee, Charles
Sheffield, Lewis Shiner, Vandana Singh, Charles Stross, Harry Turtledove, Carrie
Vaughn, Robert Charles Wilson
Karl Bunker, Jack Dann, Indrapramit Das, Cory Doctorow, Karen
Joy Fowler, William Gibson, Dominic Green, Ken Liu, Sean McMullen, Judith
Moffett, Sarah Monette, Frederik Pohl, Hannu Rajaniemi, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Karl
Schroeder, Dan Simmons, Steven Utley, James Van Pelt, Peter Watts
Daniel Abraham, Neal Asher, William Barton, Greg Bear, Michael
Bishop, Orson Scott Card, Ted Chiang, Albert E. Cowdrey, Tony Daniel, Avram
Davidson, Paul Di Filippo, Molly Gloss, Daryl Gregory, Peter F. Hamilton, Bill
Johnson, R. A. Lafferty, Chris Lawson, Jonathan Lethem, David Marusek, Bruce
McAllister, Susan Palwick, Chris Roberson, Adam Roberts, Carter Scholz, Jack
Skillingstead, John Varley, Vernor Vinge, Ian Watson, Kate Wilhelm
Brian W. Aldiss, Nina Allan, Poul Anderson, Madeline Ashby, Jessica
Barber, M. Shayne Bell, James P. Blaylock, Chaz Brenchley, Alan Brennert, Tobias
S. Buckell, Octavia E. Butler, James L. Cambias, Michael Cassutt, Paul Cornell,
John Crowley, Brendan DuBois, Andy Duncan, Charles Coleman Finlay, Eliot
Fintushel, Ty Franck, David Gerrold, Steven Gould, Jim Grimsley, M. John
Harrison, Jim Hawkins, Simon Ings, Alexander Irvine, Leigh Kennedy, Rand B. Lee,
Yoon Ha Lee, Megan Lindholm, Tom Maddox, George R. R. Martin, Jack McDevitt, Ian
McHugh, Paul Melko, Sam J. Miller, Linda Nagata, Ruth Nestvold, Alec Nevala-Lee,
Kim Newman, G. David Nordley, Tom Purdom, Kelly Robson, Melissa Scott, Gord
Sellar, Martin L. Shoemaker, S. P. Somtow, William Browning Spencer, Justin
Stanchfield, Rachel Swirsky, James Tiptree, Jr., Richard Wadholm, Cherry Wilder,
Liz Williams, Sean Williams, John C. Wright
David Ackert, Pavel Amnuel, Charlie Jane Anders, Scott Baker,
Peter M. Ball, Steven Barnes, Christopher Barzak, Peter S. Beagle, Ned Beauman,
R. S. Benedict, Lauren Beukes, Michael Blumlein, Ben Bova, Keith Brooke, Simon
Brown, John Brunner, Jack Cady, Rob Chilson, Jérôme Cigut, Maggie Clark, Arthur
C. Clarke, Matthew Claxton, Hal Clement, Brenda W. Clough, D. J. Cockburn, Rick
Cook, Brenda Cooper, Burt Courtier, Jim Cowan, Richard Cowper, Ian Creasey, Colin
P. Davies, L. Sprague de Camp, Craig DeLancey, A. M. Dellamonica, Bradley
Denton, Nicholas A. DiChario, Paul Doherty, Terry Dowling, Tananarive Due, George
Alec Effinger, Timons Esaias, Gregory Feeley, Jaine Fenn, Alan Dean Foster, Robert
Frazier, R. Garcia y Robertson, James Alan Gardner, William Gleason, Lisa
Goldstein, Nicola Griffith, Robert Grossbach, Eileen Gunn, Nick Harkaway, Samantha
Henderson, Ernest Hogan, Dafydd ab Hugh, Dave Hutchinson, Lukas Jaeger, Kelly
Jennings, Vina Jie-Min Prasad, Kij Johnson, Janet Kagan, Richard Kearns, Jake
Kerr, Katharine Kerr, Caitlín R. Kiernan, William King, David B. Kisor, Ellen
Klages, David Klecha, Damon Knight, Mary Robinette Kowal, Stephen Kraus, Naomi
Kritzer, Derek Künsken, Ann Leckie, David D. Levine, Shariann Lewitt, Kelly
Link, Richard A. Lovett, Elizabeth A. Lynn, Elisabeth Malartre, Brit Mandelo, Joseph
Manzione, Una McCormack, Sandra McDonald, Michael McDowell, Seanan McGuire, Vonda
N. McIntyre, John Meaney, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Michael Moorcock, Sunny Moraine, Silvia
Moreno-Garcia, Derryl Murphy, Ray Nayler, Garth Nix, Val Nolan, Naomi Novik, Finbarr
O'Reilly, Rebecca Ore, Suzanne Palmer, Paul Park, Severna Park, Joe Pitkin, Michael
Poore, Gareth L. Powell, Tim Powers, Paul Graham Raven, Mark Rich, Mercurio D.
Rivera, Christopher Rowe, Sara Saab, Robert Sampson, James Sarafin, Ken Scholes,
Rick Shelley, William Shunn, David Alexander Smith, Bud Sparhawk, S. C. Sykes, Lois
Tilton, George Turner, Catherynne M. Valente, Greg van Eekhout, Mark L. Van
Name, Sage Walker, Jo Walton, Don Webb, Dean Whitlock, Tad Williams, Nick
Wolven, Rena Yount